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About Me

J. Jennings Melton was born in South Bend, the county of St. Joseph Indiana, in 1979.
He lived, as a child, in Texas, Northern Indiana and Tennessee. Raised by a drug addicted father, he would spend many of his teen years incarcerated. It was in juvenile and penal institutions where he developed a love for literature and a passion for writing. Upon release the author enrolled in college while on parole in Knoxville, Tennessee, The Brindle is the first of many works to come.

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The Brindle

MARCH 2018

A dog, trained to be a killer, whose life is one of violence where in order to survive, he is made to do the unthinkable.

            She, a child with Autism, is locked in a world within herself with a mother who refuses to give up despite the apparent hopelessness of her efforts.

            When the dog’s skills are shown on the internet, a gang leader has him brought to Southern California but unbeknownst to this gang lord, an agent tracks the animal as part of a deal with an informant.

            Special Agent Dominica Verez must return to her childhood city and face a demon from her past in order to find a dog that many men desire for their own designs.

            Fate intervenes when the animal meets a very special child and they find, in one another what each has needed. The dog and his new family are on the verge of happily ever after when a foe, more deadly than any he has faced, threatens everything.

            There is no limit to what he will do to protect the child he loves. This is the story of one dog’s struggle to find a heart of his own in a world of greed and violence. This is the story of how miracles can happen, of how love conquers all. This is the story of … “The Brindle”.

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"Those who tell the stories rule society"


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Brooklyn, NY, USA

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